Friday, December 27, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for January 1, 2020 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for January 1 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT December 31

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, December 20, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for December 25, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for December 25 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT December 24

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, December 13, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for December 18, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for December 18 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT December 17

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, December 6, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for December 11, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for December 11 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT December 10

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, November 29, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for December 4, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for December 4 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT December 3

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, November 22, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for November 27, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for November 27 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT November 26

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, November 15, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for November 20, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for November 20 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT November 19

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, November 8, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for November 13, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for November 13 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT November 12

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, November 1, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for November 6, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for November 6 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT November 5

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, October 25, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for October 30, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for October 30 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT October 29

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, October 18, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for October 23, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for October 23 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT October 22

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, October 11, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for October 16, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for October 16 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT October 15

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, October 4, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for October 9, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for October 9 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT October 8

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, September 27, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for October 2, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for October 2 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT October 1

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, September 20, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for September 25, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for September 25 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT September 24

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, September 13, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for September 18, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets and title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for September 18 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT September 17

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, September 6, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for September 11, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for September 11 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT September 10

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, August 30, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for September 4, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for September 4 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT September 3

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, August 23, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for August 28, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for August 28 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT August 27

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, August 16, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for August 21, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for August 21 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT August 20

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, August 9, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for August 14, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for August 14 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT August 13

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, August 2, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for August 7, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for August 7 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT August 6

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.

Friday, July 26, 2019

MFRW Book Hooks Participants for July 31, 2019 #MFRWHooks #MFRWAuthor

Book Hooks is a weekly meme hosted by Marketing for Romance Writers as part of the MFRW Authors Blog. It's a chance each week to hook readers on your current WIP or any previously published book. By sharing samples of your writing in a meme, readers will have the chance to jump from one author to another. Here's your opportunity to hook some new readers!

All MFRW authors are invited to participate.

Book Hooks will take place every Wednesday. Join any week you can. Each week, a post will also go live on the MFRW Authors Blog with the full list to increase visibility.

How Do You Participate?
  1. Add your blog link to the list below. You will need to do this on each weekly list every time you participate.
  2. Create a post on your own blog that includes the Book Hooks logo, an excerpt from your book, your book cover, the blurb and a buy link.
  3. Also include the linky list code. To get this code, click below the list where it says "Get the Code here...". Insert it into the bottom of your blog post in the HTML window.  For Wordpress use the alternate link provided.  If you have difficulty using the code, please link instead to:
  4. Use a unique post title - don't title it "Book Hooks #1".
  5. Place the Book Hooks logo on your blog's sidebar to help advertise the meme.
  6. Use #MFRWHooks in your tweets or title.
  7. Jump around using the linky list to see what other authors are writing. Leave comments to let them know you were there. Tweet about their post.
What Are The Perks?
  1. Your blog link listed in each of the other participating blogs.
  2. Your blog post pinned on the MFRW "Book Hooks" Pinterest board.
  3. Your blog post tweeted by MFRW's twitter account.
Sign Up for July 31 Book Hooks closes at 11:30 PM EDT July 30

Any questions or concerns about the hop (including requests for link removal) should be directed to Kathryn R. Blake at krb_chats at kathrynrblake dot com or krblake at KathrynRBlake dot com.